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The Central California Blood Center is committed to saving lives and improving patient care by providing a safe and abundant blood supply for the communities they serve. Read on to learn more!

Central California Blood Center to Hold Battle of the Badges

OAKHURST — Battle of the Badges is almost upon us! This Saturday, the Central California Blood Center will have a mobile unit at the southwest corner of SR-41 and SR-49 in the Oakhurst Vons parking lot. Oakhurst CHP is trying to have more donations than any other First Responder agencies.

Image of the CHP logo.Date & Time: Saturday, June 10, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Please come out and help the California Highway Patrol earn the bragging rights as having the most blood donations for the Central Valley.

To sign up for an appointment, please click here.

While donating blood, there will be a FREE car seat check for those who would like to ensure their car seats are installed properly and safely. They will check car seats for recalls, expiration dates, and damage. If any of these are found, they will replace those car seats free of charge. No need for an appointment. Just come on by!

For more information, please call Rita Guillen at 559-290-0806.

About the Central California Blood Center

Image of the Central California Blood Center logo. The Central California Blood Center provides blood and services to patients who receive care at 30 hospitals and their network of facilities in Fresno, Tulare, Madera, Kings and Mariposa Counties. 5,000 to 6,000 pints of blood must be collected per month to meet the needs of patients in our Central Valley community.

Click here to donate to the Central California Blood Center.

Oakhurst Vons (Old Mill Center)
40044 CA-49
Oakhurst, CA 93644

Image of a checklist of things to do before you give blood.

Image of the flyer for Battle of the Badges.

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