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Boys & Girls Club Giving Away Free School Supplies

OAKHURST — Any student in the community who needs school supplies is welcome to stop by the Boys and Girls Club today between 4 and 6 p.m. — thanks to generous donations, they are giving the goods away for free.

Free school supplies to be given out include backpacks, notebooks, flashcards, pens and pencils, erasers and other basics.

BGC volunteer Rod Poplarchick says the giveaway is designed to provide area youth the practical items they need, with school starting in a couple of weeks, while also giving families a chance to check out the renovations that have taken place at the club.

Local businesses have stepped up to assist the nonprofit club, and members are grateful. Pak & Page donated 50 backpacks and Dollar Tree gave the BGC money they collected from customers at the register to purchase supplies. 47th Place/Carpet One installed new rugs at the club, and linoleum tile in the kitchen, backpack and computer rooms. The BGC library has also received a makeover.

In summertime, the club hosts about 40 to 60 school-age children and teens each day. Once class start mid-August, that number shoots up to as many as 140 youth spending time in the fun and safe environment, after school on week days.

With just two paid full-time employees, Rod says volunteers are urgently needed for the start of the new school year, and encourages anyone who is interested to please contact BGC Director Jennifer Simmons. Volunteers are required to pass Live Scan fingerprinting.

The Boys and Girls Club of Oakhurst is located at 40094 Indian Springs Road (School Road) near the rear parking lot of Oakhurst Elementary — just across the foot bridge, towards the Oak Creek Intermediate ball fields.

Rod notes that donations and fundraising programs are always welcome, as the club is funded by the community.

For more information visit the Oakhurst Boys & Girls Club Facebook page.

The Boys & Girls Club of Oakhurst is a non-profit youth development organization dedicated to promoting the educational, vocational, health leadership and character of boys and girls in a safe, nurturing environment. The Club offers a variety of award-winning developmental programs to help youth build skills, self-esteem and values during critical periods of growth.

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