FRESNO — The 16th Annual Rogue Performance Festival is happening now through March 11 in Fresno. It’s said to be among the biggest arts events held in the state of California.
“Rogue Festival is one of several ‘Fringe Festivals’ found all across the world, celebrating the independent artist rather than established arts institutions,” say promoters.
“Rogue audiences will see every kind of art and entertainment – theatre, music, dance, independent film, spoken word, performance art, puppetry, physical theatre, and magic acts. Many of the acts are originally written and developed by the artists performing them, which means audiences enjoy art of a kind they’ll never experience anywhere else.”
See Rogue Festival 2017 performers here.
Rogue Festival performances are held in rapid rotation, so no show is longer than one hour, intermissions between shows are only a half-hour, and most Rogue shows cost $10 or less.
“The Rogue Festival is also a non-juried festival, meaning that organizers don’t decide in advance what is presented. Performance slots are assigned on a first-come-first served basis and there are no prizes given or judging of content. The audience decides for itself what it likes and doesn’t like, so the Rogue Festival encourages word-of-mouth and online reviews from attendees.”
Tickets to shows are available online in advance or at the door on arrival. All Rogue Festival box office sales go directly to the performers.
- Over its 10-day run in 2015, the performance festival issued over 9,400 tickets to 68 performers of 294 shows. Comparatively, the first year’s festival in 2002 had 12 performers with 48 shows, and in 2005 the Festival had 40 performers with 120 shows and 4,800 tickets sold.
- The festival pays 100% of the ticketed prices to participating artists. In 2014, Rogue Festival performer payouts totaled over $55,800.
- The Rogue Festival is an annual, non-juried performance festival, which means all performer slots are booked on a first-come-first-served basis with no adjudicating of content or style. This year’s applications were booked within 90 minutes. The non-juried rule allows artists to be free with their chosen subjects and allows audiences to decide for themselves what they like and don’t like.
- Rogue Festival was the brainchild of Marcel Nunis. The first festival was located at Fresno’s Sanctuary Youth Center. The festival was so popular, it had to be moved to the Tower District for more performers and a wider variety of audiences.
- The venues at the Rogue Festival are a combination of local blackbox theatres, clubs, coffee shops, art galleries, and businesses with a patio that can be converted to a performance area. This year, the Festival will have 8 venues. Venues always start shows on-time.
For information and tickets visit The Rogue Festival website.