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YUSD: Montalto Selected As Provisional Trustee To Area 4

OAKHURST — Yosemite Unified School District announces that Stacey Montalto has been selected to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Joe Smith in Trustee Area 4.

“Effective January 8, 2018, Board Trustee for Area 4 of Yosemite Unified School, Joe Smith, retired from office,” reads the district’s public notice.

“January 22, 2018, Stacey Montalto was appointed as Provisional Trustee to Area 4 effective January 22, 2018 through November 6, 2018. Unless a petition calling for a special election, containing a sufficient number of signatures, is filed in the office of the county of superintendent of schools within 30 days of the date of the provisional appointment, it shall become an effective appointment. (Ed Code 5092)

“I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve Yosemite Unified School District at this critical juncture, and I believe that my experience will enable me to learn quickly and make an immediate impact,” says Montalto. My first priority is to establish transparency around District finances and Board decision-making. We must regain the community’s trust and support to weather this storm and build a strong and successful future.”


Stacey Montalto and her family moved to Oakhurst from Hermosa Beach in 2011.  Her daughters, Meagan and Kelsey, attended Oak Creek Intermediate and Yosemite High School; Kelsey is in her Senior year at YHS and Meagan is a Sophomore at the University of California San Diego.

Stacey brings years of public school Board experience, including five years as Board Treasurer for Pacifica Community Charter School in the Los Angeles Unified School District. In this working Board position, Stacey was responsible for managing all budgets and preparing/submitting required financial/compliance reports to the District, County, and State Education Offices. Since moving to Oakhurst, Stacey has served as a member of the Bass Lake JUESD Budget Committee, as founding member and Secretary of the YHS International Baccalaureate Organization Parent Organization, and founder/President of the YHS Band Boosters.

Stacey’s professional experience includes: 10 years of non-profit performing arts management, ultimately managing annual operating budgets of $2-3 million and a $12 million capital improvement project; 10 years as a General Management Consultant with Towers Perrin; and 12 years in her current role as Systems Manager/Business Analyst for the Talent Department of The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated.  She holds a BA from Cornell University and an MBA from The Anderson School at UCLA.

Stacey plans to make Oakhurst her permanent home and looks forward to investing her time and talents to ensure that Yosemite Unified School District regains financial stability and continues to offer the excellent programs and opportunities her family moved here to experience.

Bio provided by Stacey Montalto

Yosemite Unified School District website

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