Yosemite – Yes, Yosemite National Park is OPEN!
The Bureau of Land Management areas, all highways (unless closed for other reasons), state parks, and county/city parks, hotels, motels and vacation rentals on National Forest land are also open.
What ARE CLOSED are National Forest campgrounds, recreation areas, hiking trails and National Forest roads. (National Forests are shown below in light green in this graphic from the Sacramento Bee).
Yosemite National Park is operating under a temporary day-use reservation system. Visitors must have a pre-reserved day-use vehicle pass to enter the park. Please, do not drive up to Yosemite without a pass. Guests without a pass will be turned away at the gate.
The Yosemite Mariposa County Tourism Bureau urges all visitors to public lands throughout California to recreate responsibly, be aware of posted closures before setting out to recreate and keep fire safety in mind when out this Labor Day weekend and at all other times that they may be in areas with high fire risk.