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YHS Arts Showcase “Pop-Aganda”

Art 1 and 2 Group Project

Submitted by Evan Higgins —

OAKHURST — There is power in imagery and truth in words, but what lies between the lines and what exists outside of the frame is just as important.  

If we pause and take on the premise that every picture aims to tell us a pointed story and every story aims to crystalize an exact perspective, then we can truly see an image’s intent. Why did they use that color? Why did they chose those words? Why am I feeling the way I do when I look at this poster or ad? Is the maker aware of my psychology and using it to influence me?

IB History will use this lens to examine propaganda art before and during WW2. They will analyze how it was implemented as a tool to affect the ideology of citizens and empower governments of Italy — propaganda was invented there by Mussolini — as well as Japan and Germany. Throughout history, propaganda has proven to be a profoundly effective tool to influence society, and IB History students will dissect and demonstrate how it has been done.

Eden Hussey

YHS Arts Department will use the elements and principles of art to see outside the frame and read between the lines. Students will be asked to look more deeply at today’s advertisements. How do these advertisements reflect what is important to us as a society? What do they say about our needs and desires? As students begin to understand the way that advertisements use the tools of art to persuade the consumer they will be asked to use those devices as a foundation to turn those messages on their head.

IB Biology will use the poster, a medium that has long been a favorite of the propaganda artists and ad persons, to present facts about the effects that drug abuse has on the human body.

IB English students are going to examine existing propagandic texts and use them to explore the language of propaganda through the process of creating an illustrated found poem. It is an essential exploration of meaning, context, and the power of words.  

The show opening is at Yosemite High School on Tuesday, Nov. 14th from 6-8 p.m. Snacks will be served and the public is invited.

Cedar Dobson at work

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