A message from Richard Westfall.
Hi Friends,
I recently pulled papers to run for Mariposa County District 3 Supervisor. Unfortunately, due to a few health issues and many commitments I have decided not to run for office at this time.
As you know, I am descended from several of Mariposa County and California’s founding families. I have a strong connection to Mariposa. I have been and will continue to be very involved in our community thru civic groups, projects and as Chairman of the Mariposa County Republican Central Committee. It is important to me that our government is run conservatively with prosperity and growth as a goal.
However, that goal must NOT put our rural and cultural lifestyles in jeopardy. Even with my many commitments I would run for Supervisor if there was not another qualified candidate. A person with a strong family and business background. One that can and will work to make Mariposa a better place. I am announcing that I am officially withdrawing my candidacy for District 3 County Supervisor.
I am fully supporting Danette Toso’s campaign for Mariposa County District 3 Supervisor. I ask that you join me in voting for Danette Toso.
Richard Westfall