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WASTE NOT: Hazardous Waste Disposal in Oakhurst

Free Hazardous Waste Drop Off Scheduled For Yosemite High School

OAKHURST, CA. – While we endured a year-long hiatus, some of us gained a few things, many of them unwanted. Like pounds. Like waste from all those projects we suddenly found time to complete. Only you can rid yourself of the pounds, but Madera County has rushed to our rescue on  empty paint cans, aerosol containers, batteries, computers, drain cleaners and much more.

There’s a free hazardous waste disposal day on Saturday, June 12, 2021, from 8 am to 1 pm at Yosemite High School.

It’s actually easier to specify what the county won’t accept: Ammunition, bio/bodily waste, large compressed gas cylinders, large appliances, radioactive materials and tires. Anything else is pretty much fair game, except you are limited to 15 gallons of liquid or 125 pounds of solids per vehicle per trip. Madera County states no exceptions to those limits will be allowed.

The flyer illustrates accepted items, so gather them up now and prepare to arrive early. Madera County cautions that this event is first come, first served, and they expect high traffic volumes. Don’t delay because if you’re in line at 1:01 pm, you won’t be served.

You don’t want to miss this opportunity because there’s no telling how soon it will be back. You can always opt to drop off your accumulated hazardous waste at the Hazardous Waste Collection Facility in Chowchilla—open Saturdays 9 am to 1 pm, but who wants to make that drive if disposal can be taken care of here.

Call Madera County at 559/665-7300 for further information.

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