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Wanted – A Few Good Men!

Submitted by Ed Bailey

…..to dance with some fine ladies at the Elks Lodge in Oakhurst,

OAKHURST – Our next monthly dance is coming up on Sept. 13, and we need to recruit some ballroom dancers, beginners or advanced, of the male persuasion. Can you help?

Hey guys! Some ladies are looking for dance partners. We need you to step up (pun intended). Come to the dances on the second Friday of each month at the Elks Lodge in Oakhurst.

We are being outnumbered, guys (Why couldn’t I have had odds like that in high school?) Well, then was then and now is now, and we need to do some pairing on the dance floor. Are you game?

Live music will be provided by the Larkspur Band, Kirk and Monika, for a wide variety of American and Latin dances.

Everyone welcome, from beginners to experts – all ages. Let’s get our mountain folk dancing.

Dinner is served at 6 p.m. for $12.00. Dance, including ½ hour of ballroom instruction at the beginning of the session, and some line dance instruction later, starts at 7:00.

Charge for the dance is $10.00. or just $20.00 for all of it. Open Bar Too! Come One – Come All. Call (559)683-2717 for reservations.

When?: Friday, September 13, 2013
Where: Elks Lodge, Oakhurst, across from Bass Lake turnoff

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