Home » Mariposa » Two Men Arrested For “Sneaking” Into Evacuation Area

Two Men Arrested For “Sneaking” Into Evacuation Area

MARIPOSA COUNTY — Two men are behind bars for refusing to stay out of the area under evacuation on the Detwiler Fire.

The Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office arrested Thomas Allen, 36, and Daniel Thomas, 38, both of Mariposa, on Friday July 21, at approximately 10 p.m.

Allen and Thomas were contacted by law enforcement within the evacuation area. Both had been contacted earlier in the day and warned about trying to sneak throughout the evacuation area. As a result they were ordered to stay clear of the area and their vehicle was impounded.

Due to the prior offense and warning to stay out the area, both Allen and Thomas were placed under arrest for trespassing upon closed lands PC 602(p).

The Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office says they have been patrolling all evacuation areas since the start of the fire.

“We have utilized allied agencies to assist in safeguarding homes and properties in the affected areas,” says the S.O. “Over the last 7 days there has been an influx of over 40 additional law enforcement officers each day.

“The Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office along with our allied agencies will continue to respond aggressively to these situations to ensure that property remains secure.”

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