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The North Fork History Group and Partners Celebrate Their 100th History Mystery

By Don Grove

North Fork – The North Fork History Group and our five partners have now produced 100 History Mysteries. Each month we ask the Sierra News Online readers to provide information we lack. We use the information we gain to help give our museums and archives more to share with the communities we serve. Thanks to our partners: Fresno Flats Museum in Oakhurst, Raymond Museum, Coarsegold Museum, Sierra Mono Museum in North Fork, and E Clampus Vitus Grub Gulch Chapter.

We appreciate the readers who provide comments on the Sierra News Online website and on their Facebook page. Without your comments and information, the series would be less interesting. We also thank Sierra News Online for publishing our History Mystery Series.

The concept of the History Mystery developed soon after Sierra News Online was created. A woman donated a photograph to the North Fork History Group of a church that her recently deceased husband had in his collection. She had no knowledge of the photo, nor the church. We had the photo at our history exhibit during the Fall Festival that year. We asked visitors to our exhibit if they knew anything about this photograph. One of those we asked was Gina Clugston, founder of Sierra News Online. She suggested we send her a copy of the photo and she would ask her readers for information.

As luck would have it, we received several different locations as to where this church may have been. History Group members went to what seemed to be the most logical location and found a church at the site. The building had been altered over the years, but it was the church in the photograph. A copy of that photo hanging on a wall was pointed out to us during an interview with the Pastor. At the next meeting of the North Fork History Group, the idea came up to run a History Mystery every month asking for our community to answer our questions. It was decided that any timeframe less often would not gain the attention of the readers and the North Fork History Group was concerned that we would not be able to provide a new mystery every month. It was at this point the idea formed to find five partners so each would have to come up with only two Mysteries per year.

Over the years we have had many interesting Mysteries solved by our readers. If you are interested in following the monthly History Mystery Series, go to SierraNewsOnline.com and click the search bar in the upper right corner; type History Mystery and click. It will show the current Mystery to click on, OR you can scroll down to click on and read any of the previous Mysteries, all the way to number one! For Facebook fans, there is a Sierra News Online Facebook page where you can find the current History Mystery and comments made there.

The North Fork History Group wants to emphasize our appreciation and thanks to all who have made this series a success.

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