In our historic photos files at the Sierra Historic Sites Association (SHSA) research library, we found this photograph, with very little information.
On the back there is a note that says: “Picnic at ‘Blue-Bell’ on Taylor Mt. Grey ranch.” The name A. Burget is written on the front.
Does anyone know where this “Blue Bell” was located, where the Grey Ranch was, and when this photo might have been taken? We’d also like to identify the people in this photo.
If you can help us with this, please contact Debby Carter at SHSA at 559-683-6570.
Click the photo below to enlarge.
For all the previous History Mysteries, click here.
Update on The History Mystery #70 –
The image of the Mono family submitted for the history mystery has been partially solved. Mary Scholler of the Madera County library provided some of the information below:
The man holding the child is Mike McDonald (born 1867), and could be holding son Wally McDonald (born 1912) or Pete McDonald (born 1913). The young girl could be Eva Johnson (older half sister, mother is Minnie McDonald), and next to her could be Mike McDonald’s mother (U-gee-dah/Mrs. Charlie). The photo was taken in the early 1910-1914 (using Wally & Pete’s birth year as a baseline).