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The History Mystery #6

Written by Roger Mitchell, Historian/Librarian
Fresno Flats Museum Park & Research Library

History seems to have forgotten just who it was that first found an iron-stained quartz vein near the Southeast base of Raymond Mountain. The outcrop must have looked promising because the Prospectors dug a tunnel back into the mountain. Over the years debris and water have half-filled the underground workings. TODAY THE TUNNEL IS NOT SAFE TO ENTER!

Nearby the miner’s camp has two log cabins. Based on the amount of deterioration exhibited in one cabin, the second log cabin appears to have been built perhaps 30 to 50 years after the first cabin.


Does anyone out there have any information on either of these two structures? We at the Flats Research Library would very much like to hear from you. We would like to know when each log cabin was built, who it was that built each structure, the year, and its purpose. You may scroll to the bottom of this page to leave your comments.

Incidentally, do not confuse this small prospect with the Star Mine. The latter is a mile or two to the northwest. It was a silver and lead mine, sitting on a steep talus slope overlooking Star Lake.

Results from History Mystery #5-
Unfortunately, we did not receive any pertinent information this month. If you have any information about this Mystery please leave it in the comments section at the bottom of this page or contact the Mono Museum.

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