Indian Bridge was apparently built in the early 1920s by local residents. The unconfirmed information we have is sketchy, It was built and rebuilt three times. The first two bridges were made from timbers. The last one used steel cables to support the structure. The last bridge washed out in the flood of 1937-8.
Can you confirm the above information? Do you recognize anyone in the photo? What River did it cross? Where was it located? (click photo to enlarge)
If you know anything that will help the Mariposa Museum & History Center learn more about this photograph from our local history, please write a comment to us at the bottom of this page and tell us your name, where you are located, and what you know about the photograph. Or, write us a short email message at
Good leads to solve the Mystery are the location of the scene, the names of people in the photo, or someone you know who is familiar with the location. With your help we can solve…
…the History Mystery for April 2013!
This History Mystery provided by the Mariposa Museum & History Center, 5119 Jessie Street, P. O. Box 606, Mariposa, CA 95338
Phone/Fax – 209-966-2924 Web page –
Hours: 10 a.m to 4 p.m. daily – year around
Admission Prices: Adults $4 – Children under 18 – Free
First Responders and Military in uniform or presenting Active Duty I.D. – Free
In our next episode of The History Mystery, we’ll tell you what we learned about this photograph.
The March 2013 History Mystery #3, was the photo posted below. This is what we learned:
We were thrilled to receive the response and so grateful for Kraig Guillemin for taking the time to respond.
The baseball field was a big part of Raymond’s social life in the 1920s and it was so nice to learn the location of everything in the photograph as it pertains to what is there today.
Mr. Guillemin even stopped by the museum and gave us more information about a foundation from one of the small buildings that is still there and confirms that the largest building in the photo was probably an auto garage, because he found old auto parts and garage remnants as a child while playing in the area.
His family purchased that strip of property from Standard Oil in the early 1940s. What a treat that our history mystery could be solved!! Thank you all!
Lynn Northrop
Raymond Museum
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