The Clampers (E Clampus Vitus Grub Gulch Chapter #41-49) are generously donating a Monitor Hydraulic nozzle to the Raymond Museum and setting up a display to explain how they worked and why their use had to be banned due to their destructive nature.
Because the monitors worked with gravity fed water lines they needed to have water lines that dropped from a height of many feet to build up enough pressure to move the earth. In our discussions at the Museum we have been trying to figure out where the nearest monitor nozzle might have been used. We know they were not used at the several mines in Grub Gulch or the Texas Flat Mine, so our question is where was the nearest mining operation to Raymond that used hydraulic monitors?
Submitted by Lynn Northrup
Raymond Museum
Follow up to History Mystery #37
Thanks to Doug Betty and all the people who gave us information about the North Fork School basketball team of 1955. It appears we have most of the names, and there is a discrepancy on one of them. Number one was identified as both Bob Wheeler and as one of the Coltra boys.
From left to right the names are: Doug Betty, Roger Lewis, Bill DeMasters/Walters, Ray Walker, Jerry Rimes, Gene?, ? Coltra, and Bob Wheeler.
If anyone has any additional information, please send it to or
In # 38, the monitors were possibly used in northern Mariposa County , near Highway 120. These are large surface gravel mines-the Gravel Range Mining District- and they were serviced by a long ditch. These mines would probably be the closest mines that could use a monitor. More information is needed.