COARSEGOLD — Recently several photos were donated to the Coarsegold Historic Museum. This photo is from that collection. We are asking for help in identifying the photos.
If you want to view the other photos please call the museum and we can meet you there as we are on our winter schedule until the spring. You can leave a message at (559) 642-4448, or contact us at and please check out our Facebook page. Our website is
Submitted by Karen Morris, Coarsegold Historic Museum
Comment from SNO Facebook Page
Mary Wilson Sholler Great photo!! The young woman holding the the baby could be Eva Johnson, Minnie’s daughter. There was about a 12 year difference between Eva and her younger brothers. Is it certain Mike is holding Wally? It could be Peter and Eva is holding Wally…just a thought. Observation: The young girl is wearing one of the dresses very similar to the dresses worn by students at the Presbyterian Mission/Boarding School in North Fork. The woman sitting next to yhe young girl could be Mike’s mother as she didn’t pass until early 1920’s. Sidenote…Fantastic example of a brush hut…really lovely photo! Thank you for sharing!!???????? (source: Madera Co Library Native American Collection)