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Third grade class at Oakhurst Elementary School
Third grade class at Oakhurst Elementary School

Thanks to Coach Mike, PE at Oakhurst Elementary A Lot More Interesting

OAKHURST — Ever played Blob Tag, Cats in the Corner Tag, Four-Square, or raced through the American Ninja Warrior Junior course or the Eagle Agility Trail? Or maybe you’ve spent time hoola-hooping, jumping rope or racing on a scooter.

Then there’s holiday favorites like Spiders and Flies, Witches Hat Tag or Poison Pumpkin Patch?

From four-square to kick-ball tournament, the physical education program at Oakhurst Elementary School has been rejuvenated by one man — Coach Mike — as he is lovingly referred to by all the students.

Mike DeCarli is a retired teacher, coach and has been active in the fitness world for his entire career.

DeCarli is the recipient of the 2019 Golden Apple Award from the Bass Lake School District for his volunteerism at Oakhurst Elementary School. He was honored at a dinner last spring in association with the Madera County Superintendent of Schools.

Coach Mike recruits volunteers to assist with the PE stations every single week. The school-wide PE program aligns with our goal of building a positive school culture using the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) Framework.

Coach Mike also initiated the Physical Education Pride (PEP Program), encouraging students to earn points for displaying good sportsmanship, because we know not every child excels in athletics, but every child can display good sportsmanship!

The third grade students continue to work hard at staying fit with Coach Mike’s PEP program. Each Friday, third graders enjoy three fun PE stations set up by Coach Mike and his amazing helpers. Students earn PEP points for sportsmanship, teamwork and physical activities they participate inside and outside of school.

Third grade students look forward to each Friday and their time learning how to stay physically fit with Coach Mike! They are also learning about good nutrition. This includes not only healthy choices, but also mindful eating as well.

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