Historic photographs help paint the picture of what it must have been like to ride a stagecoach up this old road back in the day. Not having a stagecoach available I did the next best thing, walking up that dirt road though the snow, ice and mud.Distance: About 6 Miles (but you can go shorter or longer)Difficulty: ModerateElevation Range: 3,401′ ...
Read More »Articles about walkingupadirtroad
Walking up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill, Sunny Meadows Fall Color Loop
I kept watching and watching. Every day I drove north on Hwy 49 I could see those oaks up on Pilot Peak and Silver Knob turning more yellow and I wondered what a walk up on those dirt roads might show me in the fall color arena. The north side of Pilot Peak has quite a few dogwoods at the ...
Read More »Walking up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill, Sunny Meadows to O’Neal’s Meadow Loop
Whose footsteps did I walk in this week? I sure didn’t expect to discover a connection to Hite’s Cove on my looped hike along Sunny Meadows and through O’Neil’s Meadows. Distance: 12.12 Miles (but you can go shorter or longer)Difficulty: ModerateElevation Range: 3,417′ to 4,862′Date: May 18, 2021CALTOPO: Worman’s Mill to Sonny Meadows and O’Neil Meadows LoopDog Hike: Maybe As ...
Read More »Walking up a Dirt Road: Westfall Picnic Area up Miami Mountain Road
I had been walking the old wagon roads near my house for a while from the Nipinnawasee side, exploring the old homesteads from the 1880s. Many of them tie in with the old Miami Mill area and I was curious how the Sugar Pine side of Miami Mountain Road looked after our January Mono Wind event, especially the Westfall Burial ...
Read More »Walking Up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill to 4S04 Miami Creek Headwaters
Armed with an old Topographic Map and homestead records, I followed the old wagon and stagecoach roads above Nipinnawasee through 1880’s era homesteads. I climbed over, under and around about a million down trees from January’s Mono Wind Event as I tried to figure out the routes of travel, neighbor relationships and a few stories from back in the day. ...
Read More »Walking Up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill to 6S09A Old Miami Mills and O’Neals Meadow Areas
Hiking with the 1883 Topographic Map, I followed the old wagon and stagecoach roads above Nipinnawasee through 1880’s era homesteads as I tried to figure out the routes of travel, neighbor relationships and a few stories from back in the day. Distance: 13.12 Miles (but you can go shorter or longer)Difficulty: ModerateElevation Range: 3,417′ to 5,038′Date: December 24, 2020CALTOPO: Worman’s ...
Read More »Walking Up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill to 6S09B Above Old Miami Mills
What could I discover if I tried to walk the old wagon and stagecoach roads above Worman’s Mill armed with the 1883 Topographic Map to guide me? Many of the roads had changed but I bet if I pay attention, I can spot them. The area above Nipinnawasee was a happening spot back in the 1880s, when logging, homesteading and ...
Read More »Walking on a Dirt Road: Elliott Corner to Cold Spring Loop
Let your imagination go wild. You have been riding on a dusty, bumpy, hot stagecoach all day from Mariposa. Or perhaps the day is freezing cold and you are bundled up the best you can in that stagecoach with your coat and some quilts. You are approaching Cold Spring Stage Stop and sure are looking forward to the break. You ...
Read More »Walking up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill Loop Around Silver Knob
There was no rhyme or reason where I walked and wandered on old wagon roads and Off Road Vehicle trails near my house. I was getting some exercise in before Christmas with some bonus views. I am trying something a little new on the Blog format, including a link to this track on CALTOPO at the top and under the ...
Read More »Walking up a Dirt Road: Westfall Picnic Area up Miami Mtn Road
Long before YARTS existed, daily automobile shuttles ran from Madera to Wawona on the road we call Miami Mountain Road today. Before that, it was an old stage route and I had been walking up parts of it the past few months. This time I visited the locations where some of the people that I had written about died and ...
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