Just a pretty blue sky day to get out on nearby dirt roads up to the Lone Sequoia for some exercise. Then those little white puffy clouds started showing up . . . Where: Sierra National ForestDistance: 11.14 Miles (but you can go shorter or longer)Difficulty: Easy to ModerateElevation Range: 3,417′ to 4,427′Elevation Gain: 1,135′Date: January 25, 2022CALTOPO: Hiking From ...
Read More »Articles about Miami Motorcycle Trails
Walking up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill, Sunny Meadows Fall Color Loop
I kept watching and watching. Every day I drove north on Hwy 49 I could see those oaks up on Pilot Peak and Silver Knob turning more yellow and I wondered what a walk up on those dirt roads might show me in the fall color arena. The north side of Pilot Peak has quite a few dogwoods at the ...
Read More »Walking up a Dirt Road: Westfall Picnic Area up Miami Mountain Road
I had been walking the old wagon roads near my house for a while from the Nipinnawasee side, exploring the old homesteads from the 1880s. Many of them tie in with the old Miami Mill area and I was curious how the Sugar Pine side of Miami Mountain Road looked after our January Mono Wind event, especially the Westfall Burial ...
Read More »Walking Up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill to 4S04 Miami Creek Headwaters
Armed with an old Topographic Map and homestead records, I followed the old wagon and stagecoach roads above Nipinnawasee through 1880’s era homesteads. I climbed over, under and around about a million down trees from January’s Mono Wind Event as I tried to figure out the routes of travel, neighbor relationships and a few stories from back in the day. ...
Read More »Walking Up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill to 6S09A Old Miami Mills and O’Neals Meadow Areas
Hiking with the 1883 Topographic Map, I followed the old wagon and stagecoach roads above Nipinnawasee through 1880’s era homesteads as I tried to figure out the routes of travel, neighbor relationships and a few stories from back in the day. Distance: 13.12 Miles (but you can go shorter or longer)Difficulty: ModerateElevation Range: 3,417′ to 5,038′Date: December 24, 2020CALTOPO: Worman’s ...
Read More »Walking Up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill to 6S09B Above Old Miami Mills
What could I discover if I tried to walk the old wagon and stagecoach roads above Worman’s Mill armed with the 1883 Topographic Map to guide me? Many of the roads had changed but I bet if I pay attention, I can spot them. The area above Nipinnawasee was a happening spot back in the 1880s, when logging, homesteading and ...
Read More »Walking up a Dirt Road: Worman’s Mill Loop Around Silver Knob
There was no rhyme or reason where I walked and wandered on old wagon roads and Off Road Vehicle trails near my house. I was getting some exercise in before Christmas with some bonus views. I am trying something a little new on the Blog format, including a link to this track on CALTOPO at the top and under the ...
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