NORTH FORK — If you’ve ever seen the TV shows America’s Got Talent or American Idol, then you’ll love this wacky spoof by North Fork’s Squirrel Cage Theatre Company!
Featuring the original comedy play “The Great American Talent Show,” written by Joseph Robinette and directed by Robyn Flory and Sue Novell, it’s the final night of the year long competition and Sonny Breckinridge, played by David Novell, will be your TV Host as the seven finalists give one last performance to see who will be crowned this years champion.
You’ll see acts ranging from a Comedian, a One-Man-Band to an Impressionist and three self-important judges, including the token brutally honest Brit character, Jillian Jamison, played by Brenda Flory.
Other cast members include Al Flory, Rebecca Townsend, Annie Russell, Nancy Fikkert, Elva Gurule, Jeff Gurule, Mason Hough, Cassidy Jones, Gail Sims and Laura DeSilva, The show also features The Callis Family, Abigail, Meorah, Merry, Titus and Hope, singing the National Anthem to start off the evening.
And what Follies would be complete without seeing what The Old Geezers are up to. Jim Bradley, Al Flory and David Novell reprise their roles and one of them really is an Old Geezer, but we can’t tell you which!
Others in the Geezer skit include Brenda Flory, Mason Hough, Annie Russell, Rebecca Townsend and Krissi DeSilva.
Amy Duke and Warren Cox will perform, as well as some of Amy’s North Fork Elementary School students.
To try and bring some decorum to the evening is our Emcee Vernon Tallmon.
Show dates are Oct. 25, 26, and Nov. 1, 2, at North Fork’s Town Hall, located at
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Dinner served at 6:00 p.m. and show starts at 7:00 p.m.
Adults $15, Children (12 and under) $10, Seniors (65+) $12, Family (Immediate only) $40.
Oct. 25 and 26 dinner is Squirrel Cage Chili, cornbread, salad.
Nov. 1 and 2 dinner is lasagna, salad and garlic bread.
Both dinners have vegetarian options. Desserts will be available for purchase.
The North Fork Boosters will provide a no-host bar.