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Squirrel Cage Theatre Auditions For Fall Show

Submitted by the Squirrel Cage Theatre Company –

NORTH FORK – The Squirrel Cage Theatre Company is holding auditions for their fall show – a fun twist on the tale of “Rip Van Winkle,” who, for purposes of this show, lives near Peckinpah meadow.

Auditions are Sunday, Sept 8, at 2 p.m., and Monday, Sept. 9, at 7 p.m. at the North Fork School, and are open to everyone.

Actors of all ages from 2nd grade on up are needed to fill the parts of pirates, a school teacher, an inn keeper and students. Plus, the ever-faithful dog role needs a precocious young child. There are also square-dancers needed.

This is an open invitation for anyone who has ever considered being part of a theater group. And if you aren’t crazy about the idea of being on stage, there are plenty of openings for stage hands and production helpers.

This fall’s show is “Rip Van Winkle.” This tale has become part of American folklore. The original was written by Washington Irving and published in 1819, and set in the Catskill Mountains of New York State before and after the American Revolutionary War.

Rip is a henpecked man who wants nothing more than to tell stories to the children and wander the mountains with his dog.

One day while wandering, he helps a stranger with a keg, samples the contents of said keg, and falls asleep for 20 years.

When he awakens, he is old enough to live the life he wants and never have to deal with the hardships of the war.

SCT logoAlmost every country has a similar tale. The German folk tale is “Peter Klaus,” An ancient Jewish tale is about Honi M’agel. The Chinese version is of Ranka. All stories of a man needing to escape persecution of one kind or another.

This particular tale takes place around Peckinpah meadow. It starts in 1850 when gold has been discovered in Little Fine Gold Creek. There is a nice village complete with a school and an Inn, and then there are the pirates… it’s a tale yet to be told!

Live local theater is so much fun – for the audience and especially for the folks in the show. If you would like to join this merry band of thespians, please come to the auditions on Sept. 8 & 9, and for more information, contact Terry at 877-6506 or email goatmtranch@gmail.com; or Sue at 877-2129 or email suenovell@yahoo.com.

North Fork School is located at 33087 Road 228, North Fork, Ca.

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