OAKHURST — The Sierra Oakhurst Kiwanis Club has awarded nearly $10,000 in “mini grants” to 15 local recipients.
The official check presentations took place Tuesday in Oakhurst.
A handful of Chawanakee School District teachers received mini grants to the fund the purchases of everything from science project equipment to musical instruments.
Three teachers at Oakhurst Elementary also were awarded mini grants to purchase books, musical instruments and art supplies.
Teachers at Mountain Home School, Wasuma Elementary and Spring Valley Elementary also received mini grants to fund classroom activities.
Teachers and educational specialists who received the awards included: Cynthia Elm, Becky Cairns, Bill Samuelson, Nicole DeMaio-Rose, Heather Rossen, Dr. Matt Gehrett, Sandy DiCarli, Kristin Korte, Rebecca Biederman, Renee Johnson, John Rumohr, Steve Bethune, Kim Boatman, Cecelia Oetinger, Leslie Peterson, and Jacqueline Neff.
In all, the Kiwanis mini grant award program will fund local educational activities benefiting more than 600 students.