MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES — As of Sunday, June 26, the Sierra National Forest has two confirmed new fires, believed to be lightning caused, both of which are located in the Dinkey Lakes Wilderness on the High Sierra Ranger District.
The Helms Fire is located approximately two miles north of Courtright Reservoir while the Dusy Fire is located approximately three miles north of Courtright Reservoir.
Both fires are less than ¼ acres in size, burning in grass, brush, and timber fuels with a slow rate of spread due to recent precipitation and thunderstorm activity in the area.
Both the Dusy and Helms fires are being fully suppressed utilizing a type 2 helicopter along with a rappel crew with expected containment at the end of shift on Sunday, June 26.
Resources will remain overnight and on scene until both fires have been fully controlled and declared out.
Fire management actions have adhered to Minimum Impact Suppression Techniques (MIST) to minimize the impacts to wilderness values while providing for firefighter and public safety.
Here is a short video on Minimum Impact Suppression Techniques (MIST).