A message from the National Forest Service:
MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES — As we mentioned in our February 2022 newsletter, we are in the process of finalizing the revised Sequoia and Sierra forest plans, environmental impact statement, and draft records of decision. Today we are sharing an update on Wild and Scenic River Eligibility Studies as well as an overview of how the plans address water resources. Later updates will cover sustainable recreation, at-risk species, and fire and vegetation ecology. These updates preview some of the key elements of the final plans and highlight how we are addressing new information and issues raised during the 2019 comment period.
Ready to see what we’ve prepared? Please visit the Sierra Sequoia Plan Revision newsletter page on our website for overview documents of how the forest plans will address water resources and Wild and Scenic River eligibility studies. And don’t forget to check back in the coming weeks for updates on additional topics.
We hope these previews provide insight into what the planning team has been working on and what to anticipate once the revised plans and related documents are published later this year. Please note, these previews are for information sharing; we are not receiving formal comments at this time.
Want to learn more? For more information about the Sequoia and Sierra National Forests revision effort and to view additional project documents, please visit the Sierra Sequoia Plan Revision website or contact us by email at: SM.FS.r5reviseplan@usda.gov.
Thank you for being a part of this journey,
Teresa Benson, Sequoia National Forest Supervisor
Dean Gould, Sierra National Forest Supervisor
Bobbie Miller, Plan Revision Team Leader