Home » Coarsegold » Rev It Up For The Coarsegold Car Show

Rev It Up For The Coarsegold Car Show

COARSEGOLD — In the mood for a little revving of the engines?

With multiple classes of vehicles being judged, the Coarsegold Car Show races into town on Saturday, June 30 at Coarsegold Historic Village. The Marine Corps League Griswold Mountain Det. #1121 and the Coarsegold Chamber of Commerce have teamed up to resurrect the event, which has taken place most years since 2008.

Doors open at 6 a.m., and the show runs from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., when judging stops. There’s an awards ceremony immediately after. Also on-hand will be vendor booths including food, music, and a raffle.

Admission to the car show is free to the public, and parking is free. The registration entry fee for participants is $25 in advance and $30 the day of the show. In an effort to remain inclusive organizers say everyone is encouraged to bring a car, and generations will be judged separately.

Proceeds from the event go to the Marine Corps League Det. #1121, where it’s directed toward assistance for local veterans, scholarships for graduating high school students, Toys 4 Tots in Eastern Madera County, and honoring deceased veterans with flags.

Coarsegold Historic Village

Good music and great cars — what could be better for a Saturday? For registration and more information, contact the Coarsegold Chamber of Commerce or call George at (559) 580-9569. Sponsors include Sierra Tel, Chuck Higgins Insurance, Coarsegold Auto Care, Jewelry by Robin, Redman’s, Robert’s Frosty, Sullivan’s Tire Pros, Veater Financial, and J. Carol Realty.

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