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Image of a backyard with clover growing in it.
It's time to rethink typical lawn turf and try an ecofriendly alternative to replace or renovate your lawn.

Rethink Your Lawn Using Lush and Eco-Friendly Clover

MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES — Who has time to continuously care for that carpet-like, green grass almost everyone longs for? Nearly no one. Cultivating a lush, green lawn takes time, can be expensive and is a mainstay on weekend to-do lists spring through fall. Now that’s a serious commitment.

Image of the EPA logo.Traditional turf lawns require a lot of maintenance. You must mow and remove weeds often, plus the amount of water usage can be staggering. The average American family uses 320 gallons of water per day, about 30% devoted to outdoor uses, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). More than half of that is used for watering lawns and gardens. Nationwide, landscape irrigation is estimated to account for almost one-third of all residential water use, totaling nearly 9 billion gallons per day.

It’s about time to rethink the obsession with turf grass lawns and take a page from the past; clover can help create a great-looking lawn. Several decades ago, clover was considered so essential for lawns that it was a standard component in lawn seed mixes and wasn’t considered a weed. Clover was branded a weed when agricultural chemical companies created herbicides to rid lawns of broadleaf plants. The herbicides had no effect on grass, but killed everything else, clovers included, which is how clover became identified as a weed.

Image of a four leaf clover.

Image by Djalma Paiva Armelin.

It’s not too late to renovate your lawn and reintroduce the springy, soft, green carpet of clover back into your lawn. It’s fluffy on the feet, aids in both weed and erosion control and, when used to over-seed existing lawns, fills in bare spots fast.

In addition to providing weed and erosion control, this fluffy lawn alternative offers a variety of benefits:

Nitrogen fixer. Clover takes nitrogen from the air and “fixes” it in your soil, eliminating the need to apply nitrogen plant food because it does the work for you, keeping lawns green and growing while adding natural nitrogen to the soil.

Closeup image of clover.

Image by Adina Voicu.

Drought tolerant. Clover has longer, deeper roots than turf grass, reaching down into the soil for the moisture they need, so you won’t need to water as much during normal weather conditions. Plus, it stays green year-round and is resistant to drought and tolerates wet conditions.

Controls weeds. Its dense structure and growth habits help suppress existing weeds and the establishment of new weeds, as it grows via stolons (stems that grow horizontally along the ground).

Low to no maintenance. You can mow clover. The more it’s cut, the smaller the leaf size will be. Or simply let it grow, as some varieties only grow 4-6 inches tall and don’t get unwieldy, making it an ideal lawn alternative or healthy addition to your lawn.

Thrives in sun to partial shade. Unlike some turfgrass types, clover does well in partial shade that receives at least some direct sunshine daily.

Stands up to foot traffic. It has superior wear tolerance over turf grass, does well in compacted soil and fills bare spots quickly.

Makes great groundcover. Grow it alone or because of its adaptability and ability to grow in a wide variety of conditions combine it with other groundcover plants, like creeping phlox, ivy and thyme.

Image of a field of clover.

Image by Jeon Sang-O.

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