Home » Community » Quigong “Geese” Flock To Sierra Senior Center

Quigong “Geese” Flock To Sierra Senior Center

Submitted by Darlene Kelly —

OAKHURST — Local residents may have noticed an unusual flock of “wild geese” proliferating in the area lately, and the size of that flock at the Sierra Senior Center seems to be growing.

They can usually be spotted on Mondays or Tuesdays, just past the playing field, beyond the Community Center, off of Road 425B, sometime between 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Anyone wanting to enjoy retirement or a hearty lifestyle longer are encouraged to consider finding out more about Wild Goose Qigong at any of these free Monday or Tuesday practice groups. This ancient Chinese healthcare practice is touted to improve strength, flexibility, focus, concentration, balance, and longevity by harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit.

“There are many styles of qigong,” says instructor Cynthia Eaton, who has been teaching  qigong at Kaiser Permanente in the Bay Area since 1999.

“But having undergone some of the most rigorous testing by modern World Health Organization and Chinese research standards, Dayan Qigong was identified as one of the long forms from which the greatest amount of benefits were shown.

Qigong is good for people of all ages and ability levels.

“People are often surprised to find out what a wonderful relaxing path toward health and wellness this is,” says Marcia. “Everything can be done from either a standing or seated position.”

From Saturday, July 29, through Tuesday, Aug. 1, locals will be treated to an extended, 4-day Wild Goose Qigong workshop coordinated by Marcia Kamiya-Cross, with assistance from Oakhurst’s “Lavender Lady,” Sandy Schaefer. The purpose of these intermittent workshops is to provide an in-depth, four-day learning experience at the Sierra Senior Center, for locals to learn the secrets of this ancient, 10-minute-a-day Chinese exercise.

The workshop will be held in the air conditioned environment of the Senior Center. The cost of the 4-day workshop is $60. Workshop hours are 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., except on Sunday, when the hours will be 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

The Senior Center, instructor, and members of the Flock would like as many people as possible to benefit from qigong, and have therefore made a sliding scale possible. In return, a personal commitment to attend group practices or some kind of future support to the Senior Center (e.g., donation, membership, or service hours) would be greatly appreciated.

For registration or more information, contact Sandy Schaefer at sandy@frommygarden.net, or call (559) 760-3849.

The Sierra Senior Center is located at 49111 Cinder Lane in Oakhurst.

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