Home » Community » Public Coffee House Closes, Ministry Remains Open For Now

Public Coffee House Closes, Ministry Remains Open For Now

NORTH FORK — A local mainstay of community well-being is at a crossroads as the organization behind nonprofit Public Coffee House (PCH) asks for — suitably — the public’s help to keep the welcome mat at the door.

Public Coffee House at the Logger’s Jamboree parade, July 2019

“Public Coffee House served as a business to fund the ministry of Public — also known as PCH Ministries — for the youth and community of North Fork,” explains board member Sarah McIntyre.

“Unfortunately, the business end of Public must close due to unmet building code standards.”

In order to continue to serve the North Fork community as a non-profit ministry, McIntyre says the board of directors of Public are asking the community to step in and step up with monetary donations.

“Public provides a safe and positive environment for the youth, twelve and up, by offering spiritually uplifting experiences through youth group and bible study, fun events such as free birthday celebrations and karaoke and movie nights, and life affirming workshops on peer pressure, life skills, and social issues.”

For example, says McIntyre, PCH Ministries president and youth leader Cassandra Hepburn-Callis recently arranged a trip to the beach for the teens.

Public beach clean up, July 2019

“To make this trip possible, teens and chaperones brought their own lunch money and agreed to spend the morning cleaning up trash from the beach,” McIntyre continues. “They were then able to spend the rest of the day enjoying their time in the sun, surf and sand — some youth for the first time in their lives.”

Public also provides community services such as free end-of-the-month dinner and breakfast for any to join and bingo on Thursday mornings. McIntyre also notes that Hepburn-Callis also extends prayer for anyone in need of fellowship and encouragement.

Public is technically already closed for business, McIntyre details, but for now serves during events for the community.

“The ministry to the youth is deeply needed in North Fork, especially since no other faith-based youth groups exist for teens in the area,” says the board member on behalf of the group.

“We just want to press that the we are working to keep the ministry open because the business is no longer viable for financially supporting the ministry and will be unavailable in the near future.

“In order to remain in service, Public needs the help of its surrounding community. Please consider a monthly donation to this nonprofit organization and donate with the confidence that any support will go directly to the betterment of the community.”

Visit nfpubliccoffee.com for ways to donate

Photos courtesy of PCH Ministries

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