MARIPOSA — PG&E will host the first in a planned series of public meetings to let area residents know more about the utility’s new ‘Public Safety Power Shutoff’ plan, which allows PG&E to shut off electric distribution and transmission power lines that pass through high fire-threat areas during periods of high winds, extreme low humidity or other potentially dangerous conditions.
The first Community Wildfire Safety Program (CWSP) Open House locally will be held Monday, June 17 from 6 – 8 p.m. in the Redbud Room at the Mariposa County Fairgrounds.
PG&E officials will be on hand to provide more details about the new program and to answer questions about how CWSP will work. The Open House will also be an opportunity for the public to ask questions about other wildfire and emergency preparedness issues.
According to PG&E, some of the topics that will be covered at the meeting include: “Enhanced vegetation management around power lines, hardening the electric system for the future and accelerated safety inspections and repairs of electric infrastructure.”
More information about PG&E’s wildfire safety efforts and Public Safety Power Shutoffs program are available at PG&E Wildfire Safety and Prepare for Power Down.
We will update when more information becomes available.