AHWAHNEE—Hi, there! I’m Charlie Bear. Again. You’ve seen me previously, and I know you fell in love with me. You just haven’t had time in your schedule to actually come meet me.
What are you waiting for?
As I told you before, I might be a little shy when we first meet, but bear with me. I walk with a swagger, and I know what I want. YOU! and to be top cat in your life. I am very popular with my cat buddies here in the center, just so you know.
As to my vital statistics, I’m 28 months old, and I weigh 11.56 pounds. I’m a creamsicle color. Don’t you just want to eat me up?
To make a date with me, call me at (559)404-0925. One of my staff will assist you. You can also check out my other friends who live here at the EMC SPCA Animal Care and Adoption Center. We’re all really lovable. But I’m the one that you really want.