Home » Entertainment » Arts & Music » Pandemic Changes Mariposa’s ‘Music on the Green’ to ‘Music on the Screen’
Scott Patrick

Pandemic Changes Mariposa’s ‘Music on the Green’ to ‘Music on the Screen’

MARIPOSA — Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mariposa County Arts Council is modifying its annual Music on the Green Summer Concert Series — which this summer will be called “Music on the Screen.”

“To minimize any possible risk to Mariposa County residents, local and traveling bands, and visitors, we won’t be holding live public concerts at the Mariposa Art Park, but in the spirit of live performance, four bands will stream Facebook Live concerts through the Mariposa County Arts Council’s Facebook page throughout the summer,” the Council announced Monday.

The four bands slated for this summer’s music series are:

  • Scott Patrick on Friday, May 29
  • Nicholas Lefler on Saturday, June 13
  • Nathan Ignacio on Friday, July 17
  • The Jespersons on Saturday, August 15

Live streams will begin at 7 p.m. and people viewing will be able to tip the musicians from a link on the stream.

The Arts Council says it will direct “every penny donated” during the concerts to the respective musicians — “and we encourage people to tip generously. Artists and arts organizations, especially performing artists, have been hit particularly hard by COVID-19 so we hope you can tune in, enjoy some live music in the comfort of your own home, and support our local musicians.”

The indie/folk/pop recording artist Scott Patrick will open the “Music on the Screen” live stream series. Scott Patrick is one of the most popular and active musicians to possibly ever come out of Mariposa. With his former duo “Cottonwood Creek,” he set the all-time attendance record for a Music on the Green concert.

Patrick has brand new self recorded and produced music on his social media pages and has been a constant force on the music scene from Nashville to our own Central Valley of California for many years now.

The Arts Council, is an incorporated not-for-profit organization, created to promote and support all forms of the cultural arts, for all ages, throughout Mariposa County and is supported in part by the County of Mariposa, the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency, and the California Arts Council, a state agency.

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