OAKHURST — It’s time once again to enjoy pancakes by the pond at the Cedar Valley Fire Department and support your local first responders.
The annual Pancake Breakfast is Saturday, July 6, from 7 to 10:30 a.m.
Not only does one get to enjoy a fantastic pancake breakfast with ham and sausage, eggs, juice and coffee — you’re supporting the work of our local volunteers in emergency services – Fire, Rescue and EMS.
Now, more than ever, our local Paid Call Firefighters (volunteers) and emergency responders need your support and this is a delicious way to accomplish that.
Start your weekend at the Cedar Valley Fire Station, aka Madera County Station 18, at 44907 Lake Side Drive. Bring the whole family — even those relatives visiting from out of town. They like pancakes too, and hey — you gotta eat!
Suggested donation is just $10 for adults, $2 for children ages 2 to 10, and kids under 2 are free. Be sure to check out the t-shirts for sale while you’re there.
The Fire Department is located about six miles north of Oakhurst off Highway 41. Proceed north on Highway 41 to Cedar Valley Drive. Turn right and go about one mile to Lakeside Drive, and turn right.
Call 559-683-0600 for more information.