By UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County
Do you have fruits and vegetables to enter into the fair? Maybe you have flowers, floral arrangements or potted plants you would like to enter. Entry forms are available at the Mariposa Fairgrounds and Exposition Center website.
Produce and floral entry forms are accepted through Friday, August 27, by 5 p.m. at the fairground office.
Fair entries are dropped off at the Horticulture Building on Thursday, September 2, from 1 – 7 p.m.
Master Gardeners will be on hand to help you enter your produce or flowers in the fair. Floral entries should be taken to the upper level and produce entries are to be delivered to the lower level.
The UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County will once again be overseeing the produce and floral competition and hosting the Horticulture Building at this year’s County Fair. Our trained volunteers will be available to answer home gardening inquiries for the public.
The feature wall will be presenting The Health Aspects of Gardening and we will be highlighting our newest programs.
Our Plant-a-Row group has begun collecting surplus produce and distributing it to community members in need. We have arranged for drop-off locations where the public can participate by donating excess garden produce.
The Heritage Rose group continues to locate and identify roses in the community, which were planted long ago and continue to thrive.
We look forward to seeing you at the fair!