Home » Blogs » Over the Garden Fence: Master Gardeners at Farmers’ Market
Image of a farmer's market.
The farmers' market will run every Wednesday evening through October. See you there!

Over the Garden Fence: Master Gardeners at Farmers’ Market

MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES — The Farmers’ Market began its annual schedule on May 18th at the bottom of 6th Street and Stroming Road adjacent to the Mariposa Creek Parkway in beautiful downtown Mariposa (see map below).

The market will be every Wednesday evening from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. through October.

Locally grown fruits and vegetables — many organic — are offered from various vendors, but that’s not all. Crafts, prepared goods, information booths, and more can be found under different booth canopies.

One recurring information booth is the UCCE Master Gardeners of Mariposa County. Trained volunteers of the UC Master Gardener Program provide practical and accurate horticultural information to home gardeners.

Regardless of whether your inquiries are about growing fruits and veggies, dealing with pest, landscaping, wildfire mitigation, ornamental plants, water-saving strategies, soil improvement, the Master Gardeners will be there to advise you.

Image of the University of California logo. Their volunteer staff promotes successful and sustainable gardening practices by providing home gardeners with research-based information from the University of California and other academic or government institutions.

If the Master Gardeners at the information booth cannot answer your questions on the spot, the staff will access an extensive research library, connect with University of California Agricultural Advisors, and even view garden specimens to take a closer look at your home garden pest and vegetation problems. Once the research is done, they will contact you with suggestions and information.

Image of the Mariposa Butterfly Festival logo. Additionally, the volunteers have information about events and community projects that the Master Gardeners participate in. Learn more about the Plant-A-Row program, the Mariposa Creek Parkway Demonstration Garden, the Master Gardener’s annual Plant & Garden Art sales, along with local events such the Mariposa Butterfly Festival and the Mariposa County Fair.

They can even tell you how YOU can become a UCCE Master Gardener too!

So while you are picking up some locally grown veggies and treats at the Farmers’ Market, bring your questions or specimens to the Master Gardener booth and see how the Master Gardeners can assist you with valuable gardening information.

About UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County

UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County are located at 5009 Fairgrounds Road, Mariposa. For more gardening and event information, visit their website or Facebook page (UC Master Gardeners of Mariposa County).

UC Master Gardeners staff a helpline serving Mariposa County, including Greeley Hill, Coulterville, and Lake Don Pedro. Please contact them at 209-966-7078 or via e-mail at mgmariposa@ucdavis.edu.

Listen to them on the radio at KRYZ 98.5 FM on Wednesdays at 2 p.m and Saturdays at 5 p.m.

Image of a farmers' market.

See you at the market!

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