Editor’s note: SNO received the following update this week from Oakhurst Elementary:
OAKHURST — The teachers and staff at Oakhurst Elementary School are trying to bring light to the dark shadow that COVID-19 has spread across our town. Since the school’s closure on March 13th, the staff has done some amazing things to keep spirits high.
We started off by hosting a story time on ClassDojo. Many teachers signed up to read to our students. All of the families connected on ClassDojo have been able to enjoy these stories throughout the closure.
Next, the staff decided to brave social media with a lip sync to “Fight Song,” by Rachel Platten. A wonderful senior from Minarets High School, Katelyn Hough, dedicated her time and talent to edit our videos together. Parents can find our song on ClassDojo and the OES PTC Facebook Page. Our video, meant to bolster the mood of our students, already has over 1,300 views. It turns out the video was a much needed and welcome distraction for the whole community.
We also came together and put together a photo collage of the staff “singing” our school song. Staff members wrote the lyrics and took a selfie so the kids could sing along!
On Wednesday, April 29th, the talented Tami Farris (PTC Vice President) made a few signs that are proudly on display in front of campus along School Road. The first one says: OES had PRIDE (P = patient, R = resilient, I = inspiring, D – diligent, E = encouraging). The second sign says: We’re all in this together. The staff was asked to place a heart on the fence…and now it’s YOUR turn.
Please join OES in sharing the love. We invite you to add a handmade heart and tie it to our fence. OES’s address is 49495 School Road.