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North Fork Scout Troop 357 Holding Recruitment Night Thursday

Chain Lakes

Chain Lakes

NORTH FORK — North Fork Boy Scout Troop 357, along with Cub Pack 357, will be holding a recruitment evening at the Scout Building in North Fork (near the North School bus barns) on Thursday, Nov. 7, at 7 p.m.

Morro Bay

Morro Bay

In addition to weekly meetings, scouts of Troop 357 participate in once-a month-weekend activities.

Weekend activities include camping at Morro Bay and Yosemite National Park, backpacking and camping at wilderness lakes, trips to Magic Mountain, week-long attendance at summer camp, as well as other trips.

The troop recently spent the weekend visiting the ghost town of Bodie and Mono Lake. The troop is planning to visit and camp in Death Valley and looking into visiting the aircraft carrier USS Hornet in the Bay Area.

Jeremiah Stott, North Fork's newest Eagle Scout

Jeremiah Stott, North Fork’s newest Eagle Scout

Earlier this year, Jeremiah Stott of Troop 357 earned the rank of Eagle Scout.

As members of the community, the troop participates in community service projects such as tree planting and road cleanup events. During meetings and weekend events Scouts learn first aid, cooking, camping, map and compass reading, swimming, citizenship, leadership and other skills.

Boys in 1st through 5th grade are eligible for the Cub Scout program. Boys age 11 – 17 (or 10½ and in 6th grade) are eligible for the Boy Scout program.

Boats at Lake Chawanakee

Boats at Lake Chawanakee

The recruitment night will offer an opportunity to meet with unit leaders as well as older Scouts to learn more about the program.

Boys and parents interested in learning more about the Boy Scout and Cub Scout programs are encouraged to attend this event.

For more information, contact Dave Smith, Scoutmaster, at 559-877-2186 or Rosie Ahrens at 559-287-0463.



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