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The Troops at Mono Lake
The Troops at Mono Lake

North Fork Boy Scout Troop 357 Has a Very Busy Fall

Getting ready for the day

Getting ready for the day

NORTH FORK — Since returning from Scout summer camp in mid-July, the Scouts of North Fork Boy Scout Troop 357 have had a busy fall. In August, the troop went on a backpacking camping trip to Chain Lakes in the Yosemite wilderness. In September, the troop participated in the Sequoia Council 75th anniversary council camporall. 780 Scouts, Cub Scouts, parents, leaders and staff spent the weekend at Camp Chawanakee on the shores of Shaver Lake camping and participating in various events.

On the weekend of October 12 and 13 the Scouts of Troop 357 visited the ghost town of Bodie near Lee Vining. The troop left early Saturday morning travelling over Tioga Pass to Bodie, where Troop members spent several hours looking through the remaining old buildings. Following the visit to Bodie, the troop drove to a Mono County campground in Lundy Canyon to set up camp for the evening.

Bodie, CA

Bodie, CA

Following a rather chilly 18 degree morning, the troop prepared breakfast before breaking camp.  The aspen trees were quite colorful.  The original plan for Sunday was to drive to the trailhead above Lundy Lake and hike the trail further into Lundy Canyon to visit old mining sites in the canyon.

However, due to the high amount of visitor activity in the area, the troop decided to visit a volcanic plug south of Mono Lake instead. The Scouts hiked one of the trails to a point where they could view large outcroppings of obsidian as well as obtain a good view of Mono Lake.  After a late lunch, the troop returned to North Fork.

Boy Scout Troop 357 meets every Monday evening from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Scout Building in North Fork.

Boys ages 10 ½ and in the 6th grade or 11 through 17 years of age are eligible to become Boy Scouts.

The troop will be holding a recruitment night on Thursday, Nov. 7, at the Scout Building in North Fork.  More information on the recruitment night will be coming out in the near future.

More information about the troop’s program may be obtained from Dave Smith, Scoutmaster, at (559)  877-2186.

A church in Bodie

A church in Bodie






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