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Minarets Volleyball Nets a Victory in First Playoff Game

By Katelyn Hough, Student Reporter

MINARETS — After claiming the title of West Sequoia League Champions with an undefeated league record, the Minarets volleyball team has started their road towards the Valley Championship. On Thursday, Oct. 31, the Minarets Mustangs faced the Liberty Hawks in their first round of playoffs.

Before the game, the team had a dinner where they bonded, ate, and prepared for the match. Journalist Colby Jobinger had the opportunity to interview some of the players as well as Head Coach Jessica Chacon on their feelings before the game. Chacon said, “I feel confident, but I’m nervous, I mean I don’t think any coach should ever not feel nervous. You’ve got to stay humble. Any team is ready to take something away from you but you’ve got to be ready to take it away from them.”

The team started strong by winning the first two sets quickly. However, they then went on to lose the next two games. Senior and Captain Synovia Wold said in a post-game interview, “I have to say when we won the first two games I was like ‘oh we got this.’ Then they won the next two, and it kind of set in where this could be the last game of my senior year, but I had enough faith in my teammates to where I knew we were going to pull it off.”

After a back and forth battle, Minarets came out on top by winning the fifth game with a score of 15 to 6, making the overall score 3-2. As a result, our volleyball team is moving on to round two of playoffs and will be facing Washington Union on Tuesday, Nov. 5, at 7 p.m. in the Minarets gym. With it being the quarter finals and the last home volleyball game of the year, be sure to come out to cheer on our girls!





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