By Cara Coombs, Student Reporter
MINARETS — After many hours of practice, hard work, and travel, the Minarets High School Future Farmers of America won first and third place titles at the 92nd Annual FFA National Convention, held in Indianapolis from Oct. 30 to Nov. 2.
The Minarets chapter competed in several different competitions. The convention was four days long and FFA chapters from all fifty states participated in meeting sessions put on by the National FFA Officers. The students competed in Parliamentary Procedure, State Talent, and Agriscience Proficiency in Plant Systems.
The Advanced Parliamentary Procedure team placed 3rd in the nation. Senior Maddie Wristen competed in the State Talent competition. Some of the songs she sang were “Can You Hear The Love Tonight” and “Brand New Key.” Although she didn’t win, we would like to congratulate her on competing.
Before the convention, the students also had time to do some sightseeing, using Uber to get around.
Teacher Kenna Sandberg attended the National Convention along with the thirteen students who participated. Sandberg says “Overall, the National Convention was a ton of fun and the kids absolutely enjoyed it. They attended sessions and got to enjoy a little free time as well.”
On Oct. 28, they went sightseeing in downtown Indianapolis where they visited the zoo and the Indianapolis 500 Speedway. While at the speedway they kissed the bricks — a tradition at the speedway. The tradition was started when NASCAR champion Dale Jarrett and crew chief Todd Parrot went out after Jarrett won the Brickyard 400 and knelt down to kiss the bricks, paying tribute to the fabled history of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
While at Nationals senior Mackenzie Camacho competed in the Agriscience Proficiency Plant Systems competition. She competed with both her past, as well as her most recent, agriscience projects for the Agriscience Proficiency Award. Senior Mackenzie Camacho says, “that it felt really good and was rewarding to win at Nationals”.
Overall, Minarets FFA saw many amazing sights, competed in many competitions, and had a great time in Indianapolis.
Check out the video by Johanna Ziegler.
Check out the original article by Cara Coombs.