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Minarets FFA Fall Banquet 2017

O’NEALS — FFA members, their families, teachers, and community members gathered to watch Freshman compete in the Creed Speaking Contest, among other activities while at the at the Minarets FFA annual Fall Banquet, held Wednesday, Nov. 29.

In the Creed contest, Jeremiah Stout placed 4th, Morgan Pelowski placed 3rd, Justin Linderholm  placed 2nd, and a big congratulations to Justin Bowe for taking home 1st.

Additionally, members walked across the stage and received their Greenhand and chapter degrees, recognition for their hard work over the years. For the Freshman, 31 received their Greenhand FFA degree and 24 Sophomores received their Chapter degree.

“It was a great night with a fabulous turnout,” says FFA Chapter Treasurer Natalie Anselmo. “It was so cool to see so many members receive their degrees. Thank you to everyone who came.”

Overall, the night was filled with accomplishments, great food, and family fun. We hope everyone had a great time and will join us at our Spring Banquet in May!

Original article can be found here on Minarets Press.

Minarets High School and Charter High School

Dilan Basila is a Minarets student.



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