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Minarets Cross Country: League Champions

Submitted by Priya Cheema, Student Journalist for Minarets Press

O’NEALS – Unlike many other sports, the Minarets cross country team has had the opportunity to compete in multiple meets over the past few weeks. With a shortened season due to COVID-19, the team only had about five races this year.

One of the most important of these five races was the league meet, featuring multiple schools from the West Sequoia League competing in one giant race. There were a total of 49 runners from seven different schools and five Mustangs made it into the Top 15: senior Jeremiah Stott placed first, senior Noah McLaughlin placed fifth, Hunter Cornett placed seventh, and freshman Kobe Simmons placed 10th. On top of this, the entire team was named the West Sequoia League Champions.

Stott and McLaughlin, both seniors this year, agreed that in this season, “…the meets were smaller compared to previous years…only about 2-3 schools competed.” Both Stott and McLaughlin are known for playing multiple sports, so they explained why they continued with cross country. Stott explained, “With little hope of having a football season, I figured I would play something to end my senior year on.” McLaughlin, an avid soccer player, answered, “I really wanted to be able to compete and get in shape for soccer season.”

All in all, the cross country season closes on a triumphant note, for both the team and its senior athletes.


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