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Congratulations, Minarets Cheer!

Minarets Cheer Triumphs in Bakersfield Battle

By Isabel Cox, student journalist for Minarets Press

O’NEALS — The Minarets Competition Cheer Team has had a busy season with three competitions already completed. The first was in Santa Cruz by the boardwalk, then Clovis North and, mostly recently, in Bakersfield at the Convention Center on Dec. 7.

With each competition the team’s scores have improved significantly and the JAMZ Bakersfield competition was the best one yet.

For this competition, the cheer team arrived early to warm up, get some extra practice in, and work on their stunts.

The Minarets Competitive Cheer took the stage at 7:30 p.m. and they performed very well. Even though one stunt — the pyramid — fell, the girls were proud of their performances. Both the beginning and ending dance were on the same counts and kept time while their beginning stunts were clean and tight.

The awards began at 8:30 p.m. and the Minarets Competitive Cheer team was thrilled to find out that they had placed first. They also qualified for Nationals, which will take place in Las Vegas, where the best of the best from around the country will compete.

Congratulations Minarets Cheer!

Link to article on Minarets Press: https://minaretspress4.wixsite.com/minaretspress/post/bakersfield-battle-for-minarets-cheer

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