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Tioga Pass Resort cabin - photo TPR Facebook page

Massive Damage Means Tioga Pass Resort Won’t Open Until 2019

YOSEMITE — After the Tioga Pass Resort suffered massive damage from the record snowfall this past winter, the owners have been evaluating their situation over the summer months.

After realizing they couldn’t possibly open this summer, sadly, it has become apparent that the damage is too extensive to even anticipate opening for the 2018 season.

Resort staff posted this message on their Facebook page on Tuesday:

Hi everyone. Somewhat long and overdue post ahead. I’ve been hesitating because there aren’t a whole lot of specifics yet to report, but I also understand that many are eager for information.

The unfortunate reality is that the resort is profoundly damaged. The pictures most of you have probably seen by now only begin to tell the story. The lodge, motel, and cabins 1-3 (the collective historic “heart” of TPR) have suffered very complex crush damage that has distorted them structurally.

Of course most anything can be fixed/restored with the right amount(s) of expertise, effort, time, and money, but there is a complex road before us to navigate in this pursuit, and resources are not unlimited. Insurance companies…government agencies…historic construction experts. You get the picture.

TPR will not operate in 2018. The balance of this season (2017) will be dedicated to further evaluation, demo, and stabilization. We then hope to hit the ground running in late-spring 2018 on the restoration /rebuild with the goal of a full re-opening in 2019.

Tioga Pass Resort Spring 2017 – photo by Candace Gregory

We are humbled by the numerous parties who have so generously offered donations of money, time, and skill thus far. Quite simply, we are just not there yet. The possibility of a Kickstarter type campaign down the road certainly appeals, but we’d definitely want to provide tangible rewards in return.

It is most important to us that this calamity ultimately be managed to the end result of a better and stronger TPR. At various future points there may be opportunity for our enthusiasts to weigh in with input and actual assistance, especially in the finish stages.

Right now though, structural/foundational evaluation continues to be the priority. As such, anyone with specific log cabin and/or historic construction expertise who is interested in participating is encouraged to reach out to us via tiogapassresortllc@gmail.com ASAP.

Ultimately, I envision a re-invigorated TPR with a revised food service schematic, expanded seating areas (inside and out), enhanced ambience & amenity (think unpretentious beer & wine bar tucked into the main room), and more refined retail. Don’t worry though, you won’t see us going all “boutique” on you. TPR is first and foremost a place for everyone.



Sad News From Tioga Pass Resort On 2017 Season

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