MARIPOSA – Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office now has the ability to accept emergency text messages.
Residents can text 911 instead of calling, if they are unable to do so in the case of an emergency. This technology is available to use from their cell phones when speaking on the phone is not an option or could put the caller in danger.
Text-to-911 is an added resource for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities.
The new 911 texting system will allow 911 dispatchers to reply via text or call the reporting party directly. 911 text messages are routed to the nearest or pre-determined 911 center to the phones location. Texts can immediately be transferred to the most appropriate first responder agency.
Residents are encouraged to call, rather than text, whenever possible to ensure that critical information can be relayed in the most efficient way possible.
When texting to 911, callers are also asked to use plain English, as an emoji could be blocked and short expressions, such as OMG for “oh my God,” are not always universally understood.
When texting 911, make sure to include your location and your emergency or need in the initial text. This will allow for the Emergency Dispatcher to get the right help to you faster.