MADERA COUNTY — Madera County Sheriff’s Deputy Valerie Breedlove is going above and beyond in providing aid to victims of the Detwiler Fire that destroyed 60 homes in Mariposa County.
This morning, Deputy Breedlove put out the word to her fellow deputies and emergency personnel that she is working overtime in her agency’s cooperation with the Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office, and is donating her overtime pay to the victims of the fire. She challenged her fellow first responders to do likewise.
“I volunteered to work a shift up at the Detwiler Fire,” she said. “I am getting paid for this and plan on donating all of the proceeds of my overtime to the victims of the fire. I challenge all emergency personnel who have worked this fire on an overtime basis to do the same.
Deputy Breedlove will add $100 of her own to whatever overtime pay she earns, and donate it all to the cause.
Madera County Sheriff’s Commander Tyson Pogue says he is extremely proud of Breedlove and all the deputies.
“They all have dropped their personal plans to respond to our neighbors in Mariposa and help in any way they can. Many of them have put aside projects, family plans and vacations to respond to the call for help.”
Cmdr. Pogue has great admiration for the initiative shown by Deputy Breedlove, and what she has put in motion.
“She is a truly thoughtful person and I’m excited to see if the momentum grows,” says Pogue, who notes that Madera County deputies would all happily work for free to help out their Mariposa brothers and sisters. However the Fair Labor Standards Act prevents it.
“But what Deputy Breedlove is doing is even better. When we see the Mariposa residents in Oakhurst, our hearts go out to them. They are scared, displaced and powerless. Deputy Breedlove saw the need and took action.”
Deputy Breedlove was recently honored for 20 years of service to the Madera County Sheriff’s Office.