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Madera Rotary Club Transforms Offices Into Family Space

MADERA — Thanks to the efforts of the Rotary Club of Madera and Danny Morris, deputy director of the Madera County Department of Social Services, two offices at Social Services have been transformed into a park-like oasis for children and parents who are being reunited.

“The work that the Rotary Club of Madera did for the children and families served by Social Services is greatly appreciated by those families and our department as a whole,” said Morris, who is a Rotary member and volunteered on the remodel project which was completed last weekend.The first room that received a makeover is the Child Welfare Services Visitation Room at the 629 E. Yosemite Ave. building in Madera. This office is designed to facilitate reunions between children who have been removed from their homes and the parents and guardians working to restore their families.

Social Services Visitation Room Before RemodelUsing paint donated by Lowe’s of Madera, the Rotarians transformed the bland white walls into a park-like oasis for children and parents meeting under difficult circumstances. Toys, such as a doll house and play oven, were also donated.

“They transformed a government-institutionalized room into a warm and inviting room that children can enjoy when visiting family, which has inspirational messages throughout,” Morris said. “This truly supports the saying that it takes a village (community) to raise a child.”

Vistation room 2-19-13 2The second room that received attention was the Adoption Center Room at the 121 N. Lake St. building. This room, which is used to discuss adoption issues with wanting parents, also received a splash of color in the form of furnishings and mood-setting décor. A large colorful wall print, table lamp, floor pillows, a circular coffee table, and others furnishings were provided by the Rotary Club. These items have given the space warmth which it didn’t have previously.

“The County of Madera and Department of Social Services sincerely thank the Rotary Club of Madera and Lowe’s of Madera for their generous donation,” said Max Rodriguez, District 4 Supervisor and Board Chairman. “Their efforts will brighten the visits of families engaged in services at the Department of Social Services.”

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