MADERA — The following represents Madera County Superior Court’s proactive plan to reduce services from Nov. 23, 2020, to Jan. 1, 2021, to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
This plan was developed considering the health and safety of court users, jurors, justice partners, and court employees in response to the recent and unprecedented surge of COVID-19 cases statewide and nationally. It is important to note that this plan may be amended at the discretion of the presiding judge.
Juvenile Division
No changes – The Juvenile Division will continue to operate as normal.
Civil Division
Effective Nov. 23, 2020 – Jan. 1, 2021, the Civil Division (including Family Law) will have a reduction in services, with Departments 37, 40, 44 & 45 in session on select dates as indicated on the court’s official scheduling notices and the court’s public portal (see below for the public portal web address.)
Department 17 will be in session for family support matters on the following Tuesdays: Nov. 24, Dec. 15, and Dec. 29.
To adhere to social distancing requirements, each calendar will be limited to ten (10) individual in-court appearances. This includes appearances by attorneys and parties. For example, if a petitioner and respondent are both appearing in-person with counsel, that case would account for four (4) of the ten (10) appearances allotted for that calendar.
Appearances by available technology (Court Call/Zoom) are encouraged and will not be included in the ten (10) in-court appearance limitation.
Criminal Division
Effective Nov. 23, 2020 – Jan. 1, 2021, the Criminal Division will have a reduction in services with two (2) departments remaining fully functional and in session on select dates as indicated on the court’s official scheduling notices and the court’s public portal (see below for the public portal web address.)
Jury trials will continue pursuant to judicial discretion or judicial orders.
To adhere to social distancing requirements, each calendar will be limited to ten (10) individual in-court appearances. This includes appearances by attorneys and parties.
Appearances by available technology (Court Call/Zoom) are encouraged and will not be included in the ten (10) in-court appearance limitation.
Traffic Division
Effective Nov. 23, 2020 – Jan. 1, 2021, the Traffic Division will remain fully functional. Traffic cases and trials will be heard in Department 17 each Monday and Wednesday as indicated on the court’s official scheduling notices and the court’s public portal (see below for the public portal web address.)
To adhere to social distancing requirements, each calendar will be limited to fifteen (15) in-court appearances in Department 17. This includes appearances by attorneys and parties.
Appearances by available technology (Court Call/Zoom) are encouraged and will not be included in the respective fifteen (15) or ten (10) in-court appearance limitation.
Appellate Division
Effective Nov. 23, 2020 – Jan. 1, 2021, matters in the Appellate Division will be heard as scheduled in Department 45.
Notice of Reduction of Clerk’s Office Hours
On Sep. 23, 2020, a public notice was released outlining plans to reduce Clerk’s Office hours beginning Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2020. The public comment period is set to close on Monday, Nov. 23, 2020, and depending on the outcome of the public comment period, the tentative plan is to move forward with the new Clerk’s Office hours of 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as specified in the public notice.
Special Note
Attorneys and litigants are reminded of the responsibility to keep contact information (including addresses and telephone numbers) current with the court. Hearing status, which is subject to change, should be regularly checked at
Please note that Jan. 1 (New Year’s Day) is a designated Court Holiday.