MADERA COUNTY– Following are details from the Madera County Sheriff’s Office of reports taken locally from Monday, Jan. 1 to Sunday, Jan. 7, 2018.
Oakhurst report of plasma in parking lot
On Monday, Jan. 1 at 8:33 a.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 40000 block of Hwy 41 regarding plasma in a parking lot. Report written and case closed.
Coarsegold family disturbance and assault
On Monday, Jan. 1 at 10:37 a.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 30000 block of CA-41 regarding a family disturbance and physical altercation. During the investigation a female was taken into custody and booked at MCDOC. Case to be forwarded to the DA’s office for filing charges.
Coarsegold Coroner’s case
On Monday, Jan. 1 at 2:51 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 32000 block of Creek Ranch Road in regards to a Coroner’s case.
Coarsegold woman in need of assistance
On Monday, Jan. 1 at 8:29 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to a residence located within the 46000 block of Oonay Nation Road, regarding a request from CalFire for assistance. An elderly female was locked inside the residence in need of assistance and could not reach the door. The front door of the residence was forcibly breached to gain entry into the residence. Damage was caused to the door and door frame as a result. This case was written for documentation only and has been closed.
Oakhurst individual brandishing a weapon
On Tuesday, Jan. 2 at 1:44 p.m. a deputy responded to the area of Pamela Place Road and CA-49 in regards to a report of someone brandishing a weapon. Case report written.
Oakhurst missing juvenile
On Tuesday, Jan. 2 at 2:06 p.m. deputies took a runaway juvenile report that occurred in the area of the 41000 block of Highway 49. Juvenile was placed into missing persons system. Report is being left open.
North Fork threatening language
On Tuesday, Jan. 2 at 6:37 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 28000 block of Road 222 regarding threatening language. Case report written, case can be closed.
Oakhurst juveniles reportedly stealing liquor
On Tuesday, Jan. 2 at 8:55 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to a business located within the 40000 block of CA-49, regarding a report of a theft. The reporting party observed three teenage juveniles whom he suspected of previous thefts at the business, enter and walk straight to the liquor isle. The juveniles were seen attempting to place a bottle of liquor in their backpack. The reporting party confronted the juveniles, retrieved the bottle and demanded they leave the business. The juveniles grabbed another bottle and ran out of the business. The stolen bottle of liquor was valued at $52. This case has been suspended, pending investigative leads.
Oakhurst assault and emergency order of protection
On Wednesday, Jan. 3 at midnight, a deputy was dispatched to a residence regarding a domestic dispute that occurred earlier at a parking lot of a business located within the 41000 block of CA-49. The victim and arrestee were in a dating relationship and had become involved in an argument. The argument escalated to an altercation. During the altercation the arrestee pushed the victim, causing minor injuries. Arrestee took victim’s cellphone by force and drove away. An Emergency Protective Order was granted and served on the arrestee, who was later booked at the Madera County Jail. This case has been forwarded to the Madera County DA’s Office for the filing of related charges.
North Fork bike abandoned and booked into evidence
On Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 12:26 a.m. a deputy was patrolling in the area of Road 200 and Golden Acorn Court when a male subject was seen walking a bike eastbound on Road 200. When the deputy turned around to contact the male subject he fled on foot into the brush leaving the bike behind. The male subject was not located. The bike was recovered and booked into evidence at the Oakhurst Substation as found property. Case closed.
Oakhurst felony no-bail warrant arrest
On Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 12:55 a.m. deputies responded to the area of Road 425B and Road 426 for two suspicious male subjects waking in the area. Upon contact with the subjects, one subject was found to have a felony no-bail warrant out of Madera County. The subject was placed under arrest and transported to Madera Department of Corrections.
Oakhurst theft from vehicles
On Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 6:53 a.m. deputies responded to a dispatched call in the 40000 block of CA-41 regarding a theft from vehicles. The victim was contacted and a report was taken. Case was forwarded to the Detective Unit for possible follow up.
Oakhurst illegal camping
On Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 9 a.m. a deputy self-initiated a patrol check on foot along the Fresno River behind the Vons Shopping Center. Three individuals were contacted for illegal camping. Two of the individuals were found to have outstanding misdemeanor warrants. They were cited and released. All three subjects were warned for trespassing and ordered to vacate the area.
Coarsegold reportedly stolen purse not stolen
On Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 4:35 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 46000 block of Pony Express regarding a stolen purse. Later the reporting party located her purse and it was not stolen. Refer report closed.
Oakhurst burglary
On Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 5:04 p.m. deputies were dispatched to a report of a burglary in the 49000 block of Kane Ranch Road. The victim was contacted and it was determined that some tools had been stolen from a garage. A report was taken and forwarded to the Detective unit for possible follow up.
Coarsegold welfare check on juvenile
On Wednesday, Jan. 3 at 6:49 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 44000 block of CA-49 for welfare check of a juvenile. Upon further investigation it was determined the juvenile was safe and sound. A report was written for documentation and informational purposes only and case was closed.
Oakhurst narcotics
On Thursday, Jan. 4 at 3:24 a.m. a deputy conducted a vehicle stop in the 40000 block of CA 41. Two unknown subjects leg bailed from the vehicle. The driver was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and booked at the Madera County Department of Corrections. The vehicle was towed. Case forwarded to the DA’s office for charges.
North Fork report of domestic disturbance
On Thursday, Jan. 4 at 7:15 a.m. deputies were dispatched to the 56000 block of Road 200 regarding a domestic disturbance. The investigation determined that no crime had occurred. A report was written for documentation purposes.
Oakhurst altered check
On Thursday, Jan. 4 at 9:51 a.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 38000 block of Leafwood regarding a check that was altered. The victim requested charges filed. Forward to the DA’s office for charges filed.
North Fork warrant arrest for driver of RV
On Thursday, Jan. 4 at 1:30 p.m. while patrolling, deputies stopped an RV in the 33000 block of RD 222 for expired registration. Three subjects were in the RV. The driver was found to have a misdemeanor warrant out of Tulare County. The subject was placed under arrest and transported and booked at Madera DOC without incident. The RV was turned over to the other subjects.
Oakhurst laundry stolen from laudromat
On Thursday, Jan. 4 at 12:01 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 40000 block of CA-41 regarding theft of laundry from a laundromat. Refer report suspended until further leads develop.
Coarsegold vandalism to vehicle
On Thursday, Jan. 4 at 1:19 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 46000 block of Lucky Lane regarding vandalism to a vehicle. A report was taken and completed.
Oakhurst report of lost property
On Thursday, Jan. 4 at 1:42 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 49000 block of Road 426 regarding lost property. A report was taken for general information only. Report completed and case closed.
Oakhurst theft of battery from vehicle
On Thursday, Jan. 4 at 4:56 a deputy was dispatched to the 40000 block of Enterprise Drive regarding theft of a battery from a customer’s vehicle. Report taken for documentation. Refer report suspended until further leads develop.
Oakhurst bicycle stolen
On Friday, Jan. 5 at 8:07 a.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 40000 block of Highway 41 regarding a theft of a bicycle. Report should be closed at this time due to lack of leads.
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Coarsegold theft from residence
On Friday, Jan. 5 at 8:40 a.m. deputies were dispatched to the 30000 block of Road 400 regarding a theft from a residence. The victim was contacted and a report taken. Case closed pending further information.
Coarsegold theft
On Friday, Jan. 5 at 12:07 p.m. deputies were dispatched to the 46000 block of Lucky Lane for a report of theft. The victim was contacted and a report taken. Case closed due to lack of investigative leads.
North Fork methamphetamine possession
On Friday, Jan. 5 at 12:56 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 32000 block of Road 222 regarding a female who was at the clinic causing a disturbance. The female was in possession of methamphetamine. She was cited and released.
Coarsegold report of possible fraud
On Friday, Jan. 5 at 1:27 a.m. deputies took a phone report from a subject in Fresno. He was reporting possible fraud targeting his father’s estate in Coarsegold. A report was taken for documentation and forwarded to the detective unit for review.
Oakhurst mail box cluster theft
On Friday, Jan. 5 at 1:29 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the area of Allen Rd/ Highway 41 regarding mail theft from a mail cluster box. Case should be closed at this time due to lack of leads.
Ahwahnee sexual assault
On Friday, Jan. 5 at 3:41 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to take the a report over the phone regarding a sexual assault. The deputy took the initial report, forward case to detectives for follow-up.
North Fork narcotics transaction
On Friday, Jan. 5 at 6:33 p.m. deputies were dispatched to the 54000 block of Road 200 regarding a transaction of narcotics between an unknown female driver and an unknown male. Deputies arrested one male who ran from the scene. Report completed and forwarded to the DA’s office to file charges.
North Fork motor vehicle stop
On Friday, Jan. 5 at 9:58 p.m. a deputy conducted a vehicle stop on Road 200 for an observed vehicle code violation. A case was generated and submitted to the District Attorney’s Office for prosecution.
O’Neals Coroner’s report
On Friday, Jan. 5 at 10:24 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the 52000 block of Ensign Ranch Road for a Coroner’s report. Report was written and forwarded the Chief Coroner for review.
Coarsegold no-bail warrant arrest, vehicle towed
On Saturday, Jan. 6 at 9:33 a.m. a deputy conducted a check on a vehicle with expired tags on Yosemite Springs Parkway and Road 400. The deputy made contact with two subjects; one subject was arrested for a no-bail warrant out of Mariposa County. The second subject was released and the vehicle was towed.
Coarsegold report of burglary
On Saturday, Jan. 6 at 3:01 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to take a report over the phone regarding a possible burglary that occurred in the area of S Meadow Lane/ Tamarack Trail. Forward report to detectives and OHV for follow-up.
Coarsegold warrant arrest
On Saturday, Jan. 6 at 5:20 p.m. a deputy was dispatched to the area of Jennifer Ct. for a report of a suspicious vehicle. A case was generated and charges were filed with the District Attorney’s Office.
Coarsegold civil family issue involving reportedly repeated vehicle theft
On Saturday, Jan. 6 at 8:16 p.m. a report was taken documenting a possible vehicle theft in the 46000 block of Road 415. This incident is an ongoing civil issue between family members. The report at this time is for documentation only pending further evidence of criminal activity. This investigation is closed.
Coarsegold motor vehicle stop
On Sunday, Jan. 7 at 2:47 a.m. deputies conducted a vehicle check 35000 block of Highway 41. During this time a report was generated and charges were filed with the District Attorney’s Office.