MADERA — As our State is challenged with battling COVID-19 and wildfires, we are reminded that the members of Madera County could be vulnerable in a moment’s notice. The Listos California Emergency Preparedness Campaign was initiated by the governor and state legislators to ready our most vulnerable populations for disasters like wildfires, earthquakes and floods, before disasters strike.
Over the past year, United Way Fresno and Madera Counties has been working on the Listos California campaign, sharing simple, low or no cost tips to help our county’s diverse residents be better prepared for disasters.
United Way Fresno and Madera Counties are now organizing a meeting with Madera County’s Emergency Manager and selected representatives of different community-based organizations to provide input and suggestions for how the local Emergency Operations Plan could better address particular needs of these communities. They eagerly request your participation in this discussion. Having your attendance will help ensure that a voice representing the capacities, needs, concerns, and ideas of our counties most vulnerable residents (including aging and elderly; access and functional needs; linguistically or geographically isolated; folks struggling with poverty or limited access to information and resources) are shared and heard.
The meeting will take place via a Zoom video conference on Thursday, Dec. 11, at 10 a.m. The agenda and registration page are below.
United Way Fresno and Madera Counties hope that you are able to join them for this important conversation.
Please feel free to invite other staff from your organization.
Registration for this meeting can be accessed through