COARSEGOLD — Some of you might remember me from an article I wrote some years back about my experiences writing my first novel, Riding the Apocalypse. However, I would surmise more of you now know me as the owner of a precocious German Shepherd named Rommel, who escaped our property and was saved by a great, not just good, Samaritan. Well, I am back at it again – writing a novel — not losing my dog!
There is an oft-used witticism among the writing community: ‘Everyone has a book in them, but in most cases, that’s where it should stay.’
Well, I ignored that one altogether – and wrote Riding the Apocalypse anyway. Bear with me, I am pretty sure I am going somewhere with this.
Then, there is this one: ‘Many writers have a book in them, but few have two.’
Well, challenge accepted. I just wish I could find one about a best seller. Oh, well.
Chris Wilkerson’s freedom ended one fateful night four years ago. A calamitous confrontation led to consecutive life sentences in federal prison. One charge, for the death of Tesla Dragovic — a lost love from his past — has haunted him ever since.
She died that regretful evening in a fire he did not start. Chris longed for justice, but expected to spend the rest of his life behind bars. An apparent twist of fate has presented Chris with an opportunity to change his future.
Unbeknownst to Chris is the force behind his ostensible chance to escape. Chris had a decision to make: An unprovisioned escape into the high country of Wyoming ten thousand feet below and a chance for retribution, or life in prison.
The choice appeared obvious, but not without peril. The clandestine forces behind his escape are in pursuit—and armed.
The story of Tesla’s Shadow, which I did finally put to paper, or to kilobyte if you will, was one I dreamed up back in high school. I never actually wrote it down at that time, yet somehow it continued to grow in my mind on a random evening while struggling to sleep, or on long drives when the radio could not hold my interest. The story always seemed to just be there in my head growing and percolating.
After finishing the first novel, I swore off ever going after another book project. I figured that was it. But, much like Rommel, this story refused to be contained. I have completed the novel and have jumped through most of the proverbial hoops, i.e., editing, re-writes, torturing friends to beta read, etc. to get to this point.
The Novel, Tesla’s Shadow, has just been released. The book is available on via Kindle and paperback formats, and soon on site at Branches Books.
I am trying to keep this brief (this is my sign-off for one more quote, I just love them!) because as Thomas Jefferson famously said: “The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.”